Women Health
The United Nations considers these avoidable with access to safe abortion and post-abortion care. While abortion rates have fallen in developed countries, but not in developing countries. Between 2010–2014 there were 35 abortions per 1000 women aged 15–44, a total of 56 million abortions per year. The United nations has prepared recommendations for health care workers to provide more accessible and safe abortion and post-abortion care. An inherent part of post-abortion care involves provision of adequate contraception.
Reversal by skilled personnel may be required to open the scarred tissue. Amongst those opposing the practice are local grassroots groups, and national and international organisations including WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and Amnesty International. Legislative efforts to ban FGC have rarely been successful and the preferred approach is education and empowerment and the provision of information about the adverse health effects as well the human rights aspects. Diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea are also important causes of pelvic inflammatory disease and subsequent infertility in women. Another important consequence of some STIs such as genital herpes and syphilis increase the risk of acquiring HIV by three-fold, and can also influence its transmission progression. STIs are in turn associated with unsafe sexual activity that is often unconsensual. Globally, there were 87 million unwanted pregnancies in 2005, of those 46 million resorted to abortion, of which 18 million were considered unsafe, resulting in 68,000 deaths.
In the twenty first century the Office has focussed on underserviced women. Also, in 1994 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established its own Office of Women’s Health , which was formally authorised by the 2010 Affordable Health Care Act .
Occupational differences have exposed women to less industrial injuries, although this is likely to change, as is risk of injury or death in war. Overall such injuries contributed to 3.5{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of deaths in women compared to 6.2{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} in the United States in 2009. Even after succeeding in accessing health care, women have been discriminated against, a process that Iris Young has called “internal exclusion”, as opposed to “external exclusion”, the barriers to access.
The World Health Organization estimates that 35{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of women in the world have experienced physical or sexual violence over their lifetime and that the commonest situation is intimate partner violence. 30{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of women in relationships report such experience, and 38{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of murders of women are due to intimate partners.
The gender gap is largely the result of the reduction of estrogen levels in women following the menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy has been shown to reduce this risk by 25–30{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39}, and was a common reason for prescribing it during the 1980s and 1990s. However the Women’s Health Initiative study that demonstrated that the risks of HRT outweighed the benefits has since led to a decline in HRT usage. Because it is largely asymptomatic in its earliest stages, more than 50{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of women have stage III or higher cancer by the time they are diagnosed, with a consequent poor prognosis. While defended by those cultures in which it constitutes a tradition, FGC is opposed by many medical and cultural organizations on the grounds that it is unnecessary and harmful. Short term health effects may include hemorrhage, infection, sepsis, and even result in death, while long term effects include dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, vaginitis and cystitis. In addition FGC leads to complications with pregnancy, labor and delivery.
In 2017, we vaccinated 25,000 girls in the Philippines against HPV. Check out the new interactive program that will estimate your inherited risk of breast cancer. State-of-the-art technology which helps doctors more accurately diagnose breast cancer has been hailed as a breakthrough by the US Food & Drugs Administration for its exceptional potential clinical value in improving patient care. Women diagnosed with early-onset colorectal cancer have a greater risk of dying from the disease depending upon their county of residence, according to a study published in Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology. An Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center researcher is identifying the unique biology that may make Black women more susceptible to aggressive breast cancer.
Women Health
An estimated 1 of 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder in her lifetime. The journal also aims to provide online access without any restrictions or subscriptions to the researchers worldwide. Journal of Women’s Health Care is a peer-reviewed journal that encourages innovative research, covering all aspects related to Women’s health. Women’s Health Journal with a decent impact factor offers Open Access option to meet the needs of authors and maximize article visibility. That means more personalized care that focuses on your entire life.
This invisibility effectively masks the grievances of groups already disadvantaged by power inequity, further entrenching injustice. Women’s health is positioned within a wider body of knowledge cited by, amongst others, the World Health Organization, which places importance on gender as a social determinant of health. While women’s health is affected by their biology, it is also affected by their social conditions, such as poverty, employment, and family responsibilities, and these aspects should not be overshadowed. Women’s life expectancy is greater than that of men, and they have lower death rates throughout life, regardless of race and geographic region.