International Women's Health Coalition

There are currently two vaccines that protect against the most virulent types of HPV known to cause at least 70{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of cervical cancers. In this video, adolescent girls in Sao Paulo, Brazil, learn the importance of the vaccine and why they are getting them. Women’s Health Victoria is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of all Victorian women. No contribution is too small in helping us achieve our vision of women living well – healthy, empowered and equal. Reflecting on what has been a very important year for women’s equality in our Annual Report. Championing for every Victorian woman’s…

Women’s Health Information

Obstetrics takes care of the issues related to pregnant females, from the time of conception till childbirth, providing pre-natal care, management of pregnancy, and post-partum care. Womens Health is the primary source of information for meeting the challenges of providing optimal health care for women throughout their lifespan. The Journal delivers cutting-edge advancements in diagnostic procedures, therapeutic protocols for the management of diseases, and innovative research in gender-based biology that impacts patient care and treatment. We tend to think of breast cancer and osteoporosis as women’s health diseases, but they also occur in men. Heart disease in a serious concern…

Women's Health West

Women suffering from endometriosis have painful periods, lower back pain, pain during sex and digestive problems. Half of women with the condition experience trouble getting pregnant. Hysterectomy is a major operation with the usual complications of surgery. The signs of a heart attack in women are often much more subtle than in men. Ensure your entire team is prepared to deliver evidence-based, standardized care. Get involved in supporting your profession by volunteering with AWHONN. For example, women and girls face increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Find out about the causes and symptoms of a weak pelvic floor, and how performing pelvic…

Women's Health Matters

Women’s health is an example of population health, the health of a specific defined population. Good dental and oral health goes beyond a blindingly white set of teeth. for instance despite the higher incidence of depression amongst women, less than half of the animal studies use female animals. Consequently, a number of funding agencies and scientific journals are asking researchers to explicitly address issues of sex and gender in their research. They recommend programmes that start early in life and are directed towards both genders to promote respect and equality, an area often overlooked in public policy. This strategy, which…

Women's Health In Women's Hands

It affects older women the most, causing their bones to break more easily. The hip, spine and wrist are most susceptible to fractures or breaks in those with osteoporosis. Oropharyngeal cancers HPV causes about 70 percent of all throat cancers in women. Cervical cancerHPV causes almost every kind of cervical cancer in women. Breast cancer affects about 12 percent of American women, but the survival rate is high if it’s detected early. Healthy habits are the best way to avoid disease, prolong your life, and live more happily. But in the chaos of a woman’s daily life, healthy living may…

Women's Health News

In the twenty first century the Office has focussed on underserviced women. Also, in 1994 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established its own Office of Women’s Health , which was formally authorised by the 2010 Affordable Health Care Act . The Society for Women’s Health Research is the thought leader in promoting research on biological sex differences in disease and improving women’s health through science, policy, and education. Understand the unique risk factors and symptoms of thyroid cancer in women. Learn more about women’s reproductive lifecycle, including conditions that may impact health and quality of life. In 2017,…

Women's Health Issues

Yet, between 1987 and 2011, maternal mortality in the United States rose from 7.2 to 17.8 deaths per 100,000 live births, this is reflected in the Maternal Mortality Ratio . By contrast rates as high as 1,000 per birth are reported in the rest of the world, with the highest rates in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, which account for 86{06e5c851e71f046c386a74248b3a53282284dae0fc18af42c313779a50d46a39} of such deaths. In these resource-poor countries, maternal health is further eroded by poverty and adverse economic factors which impact the roads, health care facilities, equipment and supplies in addition to limited skilled personnel. Other problems include cultural attitudes…

Center For Women's Health

Women trying to get pregnant can increase their chance of pregnancy by having sex on days in which they are more likely to conceive. TheMirena IUDcan migrate and perforate the uterus, enter the abdominal cavity, pelvis, bladder and blood vessels, and cause septic abortion, ectopic pregnancy and inflammatory disease. Other hormonal methods include, patches, rings, shots hormonal IUDs and implants. Popular birth control methods include hormonal methods, intrauterine devices and other barrier methods. Women should always consult a doctor to determine the best type of birth control for them. It affects older women the most, causing their bones to break…